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Our solution for pharmacies

Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters

Dates & Events

We understand you.

The challanges pharmacies are facing due to the internet are bigger than ever. Lots of people keep themselves informed online about health topics and that is a huge potential. Without a doubt, that also means effort, excitement and passion for the pharmacy’s future.  

How we assist you.

With our automated warehouse we'll help you to raise your earnings sustainably with time-saving processes.


  • Best possible ordering and convenient product management

  • More time for individual client consulting

  • Complete stock overview at any time

  • Expert team for maintainance

Opening hours:

Monday to Thursday

8:00 - 17:00 


8:00 - 15:30 

Contact us:

PCS Professional Clinical Software GmbH

Industriering 11
A-9020 Klagenfurt

Phone: +43 463 30030

Legal Notice

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©by PCS Professional Clinical Software GmbH.

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